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제목이 '인공와우(CI, Cochlear Implant) 전문 자격시험' 이었습니다.
우리나라도 건강보험공단에서 인공와우를 의료보험에 적용하고 있음에도 국내에는 제대로 된 인공와우 전문자격 제도가 없어 의료 후진국의 현실을 보여주고 있습니다.
하루 빨리 선진국처럼 인공와우 전문자격을 부여할 수 있는 청능사(Audiologist) 제도가 국내에 정착되어 난청 아동(성인)들의 인공와우 이식수술 후 전문적이고 체계적인 청능재활이 이루어지길 소망해봅니다.
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상세 내용을 알고 싶어
알림장의 www.americanboardofaudiology.org 주소를 또 클릭!!
아래와 같이 인공와우 전문자격 내용이 상세하게 서술되어 있네요.
In establishing this program, the American Board of Audiology (ABA) conducted a job analysis survey for cochlear implant specialists as part of the Board's continuing effort to offer audiologists specialty certification in this practice setting.
The idea for developing specialty certification arose within the ABA early in 2000 as a method of elevating the status of certification and identifying individuals in areas of specialty practice. Some of the reasons that certification may be valuable to you include:
- Standardizes training and knowledge of CI audiologists; specialty certification identifies the knowledge required to promote better patient outcomes.
- Verifies professional experience to employers and helps identify individuals who are qualified to fulfill a job description related to the cochlear implant population.
- Provides consumers a method of identifying audiologists with expertise in cochlear implants and increases confidence in consumer's view of the audiologist's level of expertise.
- Describes a training plan for individuals interested in specializing in cochlear implants.
- Helps individual audiologists identify themselves as experts; increases professional self-esteem.
- Assists the profession in defining our scope of practice.
- Increases the possibility of an heightened standard of living through appropriate salaries, provides a basis of career advancement, and maintains an adequate number of audiologists working with cochlear implants.
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