■ 청각 전문가(Audiologist) 의 활동 범위

About the American Academy of Academy (AAA) : 미국청각학회The American Academy of Audiology is the world's largest professional organization of, for and by audiologists. The active membership of more than 7,500 audiologists join together to provide the highest quality of hearing healthcare service to children and adults described by our national slogan "Caring for America's Hearing."

Mission StatementThe American Academy of Audiology promotes quality hearing and balance care by advancing the profession of audiology through leadership, advocacy, education, public awareness and support of research.

 An audiologist is a professional who diagnoses, treats, and manages individuals with hearing loss or balance problems. 

청각전문가는 청각 및 평형기관의 손상에 대한 진단 및 평가 후
신생아부터 노인까지 모든 연령층의 재활을 담당하는 독립적이며,
고유한 특성을 지닌 전문가

<출처 : www.audiology.org>

<김형재의 청능재활 블로그 : 스타키보청기 분당-용인 난청센터, 031-719-8119> 

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