오스트레일리아(호주) 정부의 청각서비스 프로그램 및 관련 사이트 소개
자세한 내용은 www.hearing.com.au를 참조 하세요.
호주의 청각관련 사이트 소개
Acoustic Neuroma Association NSW
Audiological Society of Australia
Aussie Deaf Kids
Australian Communication Exchange
Australian Tinnitus Association (NSW)
Better Health Channel, Victoria
Better Hearing Australia (BHA)
Better Hearing Adelaide
Deaf Australia
Deaf Children Australia
Deaf Sports Australia
Deafness Forum of Australia
Deafness Foundation (VIC)
Deafness Resources Australia
Department of Human Services portal (myaccount)
Hear and Learn Classroom Sound Enhancement
Hear for you
Hear it (Hearing, hearing loss and hearing aids)
Media Access Australia
Meniere's Support Group Inc (NSW)
Meniere's Support Group of Victoria Inc
Music to my ears campaign
National Acoustic Laboratories: the research arm of Australian Hearing
National Relay Service (a phone service for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment)
Parenting Information Website
Phoenix Hearing Instruments
Printacall Communications Technology
Quota International Inc, South Pacific Area
Real time health (Real kids talking about their hearing impairment)
Reporters Ink (Computer Aided Remal-Time Transcription for people with a hearing loss)
Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People - SHHH (NSW)
Siemens Hearing Instruments Australia
Take control of tinnitus
The Deaf Society of NSW
The HEARing Cooperative Research Centre (CRC)
The Tinnitus Association of Victoria
VicDeaf (HEAR Service)
Victoria Council of Deaf People