청각학 이야기/청각학 개론

청각학과 관련된 각종 국제규격(ISO, IEC)의 비교

전문청능사 김형재박사 2008. 10. 18. 16:19

청각학과 관련된 국제 규격을 list-up하였습니다. 보다 상세한 규격 내용은 해당 규격집을 별도 구매하시어 보셔야만 합니다. 규격집 당 가격이 생각보다 비쌉니다.

최근 국내 지식경제부에서도 보청기 관련 규격집을 개정하였습니다. 기회되면 따로 포스팅하도록 하겠습니다.  

ISO 389 시리즈 : 청각검사 장비의 보정에 관한 규격

ISO 389-series - reference values for calibration of equipment for audiometry

ISO 389-1 (1998). Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment. Part 1 - Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supra-aural earphones.

ISO 389-2 (1994). Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment. Part 2 - Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and insert earphones.

ISO 389-3 (1994). Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment. Part 3 - Reference equivalent threshold force levels for pure tones and bone vibrators.

ISO 389-4 (1994). Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment. Part 4 - Reference levels for narrow-band masking noise.

ISO/TR 389-5 (1998). Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment. Part 5 - Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones in the frequency range 8 kHz to 16 kHz (Technical Report).

ISO 389-7 (1996). Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment. Part 7 - Reference threshold of of hearing under free-field and diffusefield listening conditions .
ISO 7029 (2000). Acoustics – Statistical distribution of hearing thresholds as a function of age.

ISO 8253 시리즈 : 청각검사 방법에 관한 규격
ISO 8253-series - audiometric methods

ISO 8253-1 (1989). Acoustics - Audiometric test methods. Part 1 - Basic pure tone air and bone conduction threshold audiometry.

ISO 8253-2 (1992). Acoustics - Audiometric test methods. Part 2 - Sound field audiometry with pure tone and narrow band signals .

ISO 8253-3 (1996). Acoustics - Audiometric test methods. Part 3 - Speech audiometry.

IEC 60645 시리즈 : 청각검사 장비에 관한 규격

IEC 60645-series - equipment for audiometry

IEC 60645-1 (2001). Electroacoustics - Audiological equipment. Part 1 - Pure-tone audiometers.

IEC 60645-2 (1993). Electroacoustics - Audiological equipment. Part 2 - Equipment for speech audiometry.

IEC 60645-3 (1994). Electroacoustics - Audiological equipment. Part 3 - Auditory test signals of short duration for audiometric and neuro-otological purposes. 

60645-4 (1994). Electroacoustics - Audiological equipment. Part 4 - Equipment for extended high-frequency audiometry.

60645-5 (xxxx). Electroacoustics - Audiological equipment. Part 5 - Instruments for the measurement of aural acoustic impedance/admittance (Committee Draft, revision of IEC 61027, 1991).

전기음향 측정에 관한 국제 규격
International standards concerning electroacoustic measurements

IEC 60318-1 (1998). Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 1: Ear simulator for the calibration of supra-aural earphones.

IEC 60318-2 (1998). Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 2: An interim acoustic coupler for the calibration of audiometric earphones in the extended high-frequency range.

IEC 60318-3 (1998). Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 3: Acoustic coupler for the calibration of supra-aural earphones used in audiometry.

IEC 60373 (1990). Mechanical coupler for measurements on bone vibrators.

IEC 60711 (1981). Occluded-ear simulator for the measurement of earphones coupled to the ear by ear inserts.

IEC 60942 (1997). Electroacoustics - Sound calibrators.

IEC/TR 60959 (1990). Provisional head and torso simulator for acoustic measurements on air conduction hearing aids.

보청기에 관한 국제 규격
International standards concerning hearing aids

IEC 60118-0. Hearing aids. Part 0: Measurement of electroacoustical characteristics.

IEC 60118-1. Hearing aids - Part 1: Hearing aids with induction pick-up coil input.

IEC 60118-2. Hearing aids. Part 2: Hearing aids with automatic gain control circuits.

IEC 60118-3. Hearing aids. Part 3: Hearing aid equipment not entirely worn on the listener.

IEC 60118-4. Hearing aids. Part 4: Magnetic field strength in audio-frequency induction loops for hearing aid purposes.

IEC 60118-5. Hearing aids. Part 5: Nipples for insert earphones.

IEC 60118-6. Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids.

IEC 60118-7. Hearing aids. Part 7: Measurement of performance characteristics of hearing aids for quality inspection for delivery purposes.

IEC 60118-8. Hearing aids. Part 8: Methods of measurement of performance characteristics of hearing aids under simulated in situ working conditions.

IEC 60118-9. Hearing aids. Part 9: Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output.

IEC 60118-11. Hearing aids. Part 11: Symbols and other markings on hearing aids and related equipment.

IEC 60118-12. Hearing aids - Part 12: Dimensions of electrical connector systems.

IEC 60118-13. Hearing aids - Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

IEC 60118-14. Hearing aids - Part 14: Specification of a digital interface device.

IEC 61669 (2001). Electroacoustics - Equipment for the measurement of real-ear acoustical characteristics of hearing aids.

ISO 12124 (2001). Acoustics – Procedures for the measurement of real-ear acoustical characteristics of hearing aids.

소음과 귀마개에 관한 국제 규격
International standards concerning noise and hearing protectors

ISO 1999 (1990). Acoustics – Determination of occupational noise exposure and estimation of noise-induced hearing impairment.

ISO 11904-1 (2002). Acoustics – Determination of sound immission from sound sources placed close to the ear. Part 1: Technique using a microphone in the real ear (MIRE technique).

ISO 4869-1 (1990). Acoustics – Hearing protectors – Part 1: Subjective method for the measurement of sound attenuation.

ISO 4869-2 (1994). Acoustics – Hearing protectors – Part 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure levels when hearing protectors are worn.

ISO TR 4869-3 (1989). Acoustics – Hearing protectors – Part 3: Simplified method for the measurement of insertion loss of ear-muff type protectors for quality inspection purposes.

ISO 4869-4 (1998). Acoustics – Hearing protectors – Part 4: Measurement of effective sound pressure levels for  level-dependent sound restoration ear-muffs.

ISO/TR 3352 (1974). Acoustics – Assessment of noise with respect to its effect on the intelligibility of speech.